Tuesday, April 30, 2019

SF - JP Sylvanian Village Church HA-09 - Review

So.. I was about to purchase another one of the charming school buildings but instead ended up with above. If I'm getting my first church/chapel from SF, it may as well be this one. Seems really for adult collectors, not necessarily a kid's toy. Lol!

I love this building. I liked it the first time I saw it some time back because of its stained 'glass' windows in a traditional church building. I'm glad I didn't hesitate to get it.

Below is a pic of the underside of one of the pews.

It can double as a classroom/sunday school as per the photo at the back of the box. Hey Epoch... I wanna know who designed this. Lol!! :geek: This is now my most important SF building methinks, worth what I paid for it. :)

Monday, April 8, 2019

Delivery Updates 20190408

Received the following in the past few days:

St. John's School

Whisker cat in a fancy dress

JP Mini Shop